Criminal Defense services we provide

      I began my legal experience as an attorney with the Office of the Public Defender in the State of New Jersey, and throughout my employment, I worked at three different counties within the state during my 6 years of employment.  [Please see the ABOUT US page for more information]

      I am currently a Private Court Appointed Attorney (PCAC) in Miami-Dade County, Florida for cases where the Office of the Public Defender and the Office of Regional Counsel have a conflict and cannot represent all defendants in the same case, or they have some other conflict of interest and cannot represent the defendant.  I have been approved by the Justice Administration Commission (JAC) and the 11th Judicial Circuit Criminal Defense Review Committee to be included on their list of attorneys.

      Presently, I am active in both the Felony Division and the Juvenile Division of the 11th Judicial Ciruit of Miami-Dade County.  I also represent clients in Broward County, Florida.

Contact Us

Office Hours

We can be reached during the following hours:

Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


Law Office of Richard Lorenzo, P.A.

4649 Ponce de Leon Blvd

Suite 301

Coral Gables, Florida 33146



(561) 669-7342









Or use our contact form.



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