Immigration Services We Provide
If you are without lawful status in the USA and are facing removal proceedings, you will need to retain an attorney or represent yourself in court. There is no entitlement to have the Immigration Judge appoint an attorney to represent you, and sometimes the Judge will ask you to return in 30 days with a lawyer or you will have to proceed on your own. There are many types of relief that might be available to you in removal proceedings. See below for a list of services that we provide.
Also, if you are not in court proceedings, but would like to submit applications to the immigration service, United States Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS), to apply for a relative to remain legally in the USA, we can help you. We have handled numerous Petitions for Alien Relatives and have a high success rate. These forms need to be filled out correctly, and by having an experienced immigration attorney prepare the forms and enter a Notice of Appearance together with the application, the client can be ensured that the paperwork was done correctly, and all notices from USCIS will be sent to both you and your attorney. This is a great peace of mind to the client, because it ensures that someone other than the client is receiving correspondence from USCIS about their case. Sometimes appointment notices sent to a client who has moved or changed his/her residence are lost in the mail, and a failure to appear for an interview or appointment with USCIS is deemed an abandonment of the application or petition. Having an attorney appear in the matter with you, helps to guarantee that you will receive notice, attend, and be ready at the interview.
In addition, if the client's relative or family member cannot adjust their status in the USA for whatever reason (perhaps they are not here, or entered the USA illegally and cannot adjust in the USA), then we can help you proceed with applications made to the National Visa Center (NVC) so that the client and their relative may proceed to conclude the matter with an interview before the Consulate of their native country.
Below is a list of services that are most commonly needed for which we have extensive experience.
Advance Parole
Adjustment of Status
Appeals to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)
Asylum Applications
Bond Hearing for Detained Aliens
Business Visas
Cancellation of Removal
Cuban Adjustment Act
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals [NEW RELIEF] [See NEWS for more info]
Interviews before USCIS
Parole for Cuban who entered without inspection
Petition for Alien Relative
Petition to Remove Conditions Upon Residence
Processing through the National Visa Center (NVC)
Naturalization Applications
Refugee Travel Documents
Renewal of Residence Card
Temporary Protected Status
Waivers of Inadmissibility
Work Authorization